尽管许多从事建筑或翻新365买球网的公司知道他们需要工程师和365买球网经理, many don’t know the importance of financial managers. 通货膨胀导致成本上升,供应链问题导致延误, 财务经理的专业365买球对于按时在预算范围内交付365买球网至关重要.

As commercial real estate projects grow more complex, KGO已经认识到需要从财务角度谨慎分析所有因素. KGO clients can leverage the benefits of financial management, gaining insightful feedback around the scope, size and budget of their project. We spoke to Financial Services Manager at KGO, Kevin Russell, 关于财务管理的重要性,尤其是在经济动荡时期.

Kevin in Military Uniform

What is your professional background and your role at KGO?

我的背景是大型建设365买球网的财务管理. 我曾为卡塔尔、科威特、伊拉克和阿富汗等地的建筑365买球网管理财务. Since returning my focus to projects in the United States, I’ve mostly worked on major project financial management.

随着公司过渡到混合工作或重新组织工作空间以适应新的优先事项, I support the financial management of such projects. While other people identify the best design, the right number of desks, and the best workplace strategy, I ensure the project stays on budget.


Each project has an established budget, 在考虑成本如何随时间变化的同时,我还会预测每月的支出情况. 某些月份可能会更忙,更贵,而其他月份可能会更慢. 

例如,由于天气寒冷,365买球网在冬季可能会放缓. 考虑到重要的因素,如一年中的时间和工作可能需要多长时间,使我们能够保持365买球网的轨道-所以在月底和365买球网结束时, we’ve spent exactly what the budget allows.

还必须考虑到需要支付的每一个方面. 许多365买球网有很多不同的供应商,包括工程和电力公司, and their invoices may run between $10,000 to over $1 million. 我收集这些发票,验证工作已经进行,并处理它们以付款. 

金融服务的另一个关键作用是维护供应商关系. 如果供应商没有按时付款,可能会出现冲突,这可能会拖延365买球网. 总的来说,金融服务的目标是按时按预算交付365买球网.

In addition to verifying work was completed, 我还负责分析成本偏差的原因. Then, I compare the monthly costs to our forecasted spend. If there is a difference, I will find out why. 

Kevin in front of tan buildings
Kevin and friends in mountain area


For projects that take a year or longer to complete, 我们正在注意范围蔓延和价格蔓延——尤其是现在. Prices are rising and supply chain issues may impact projects, so it’s common to see deviations on costs. 

例如,当最初给出365买球网评估时,钉子可能花费5美分. Then, when the time comes to buy them, they may cost eight cents. 这种材料的价格变化会影响到365买球网的总成本, and financial services help to account for that along the way. 

客户扩大365买球网范围也是很常见的. 如果发生这种情况,我们需要确定额外的任务是否可以在预算内完成. 如果没有,我们需要估计应该在预算中增加多少来承担这些任务.


当材料在最初的365买球网时间表内无法获得时, we need to identify substitutes. 由于许多365买球网都需要同样的材料,即使是一个伟大的后备计划也可能落空. To complete projects within these constraints, 我们需要创造性地寻找经济上可行的解决方案.

这个过程的第一步通常是确定财务影响. So we look at what the alternative solution costs, how long it may take, and what the total cost of any delays and materials would be. We then present this information to the client, so they can choose the option that works best for them.

money and calculator

Be ready with strong Financial Management services


Don’t rely on a project manager alone. 你的365买球网经理应该关注安全和整体任务, so you don’t want them to worry about invoices and budgeting. Instead, 你需要一个在管理商业房地产365买球网财务方面有专门365买球的人. 

Some projects may exceed $100 million. For projects of this size, 你需要一个有365买球网管理财务背景的人. 365买球网管理财务分析师具有监督高度复杂预算所需的365买球和经验. They can accurately track and report where you’re at financially, and they can execute your budget properly. 

With an experienced financial manager on your project team, 这样,您的365买球网经理就能更好地预防事故,并从战略上考虑365买球网.


公司应该寻找有经验的365买球网经理和财务经理. Look at other projects that company has done. Were they successful? Did they deliver on budget? 公司甚至可能想要与这些客户交谈,以了解他们是否满意以及工作关系如何.

然后,考虑365买球网的财务方面和运营方面. 每个人都知道他们需要聘请工程公司或365买球网管理公司, but few are aware of the importance of a financial manager. 你想要有信心,你的财务是由一个对商业房地产365买球网的预算管理365买球渊博的人来管理的. 

There is only a limited budget available, so the finances should be just as important as the operations. 如果没有这种支持,你可能会发现你花的钱比你需要的多得多.

kevin in front of an american flag

What makes the KGO client experience different?

From the top down, our company is based on trust of leadership. 我们团队的每一位成员都致力于相互支持和支持客户. Because commercial real estate projects are often so complex, teamwork and communication are critical. 此外,我们的团队经验丰富,365买球渊博. When you choose to work with KGO, you get a dream team.  

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