Renewable energy isn’t just the future; it’s dynamically shaping our present. 你知道到2050年太阳能预计将成为世界上主要的能源吗, according to Inspire Clean Energy? 一台风力涡轮机一年可以为1500户家庭供电. Contrary to some misconceptions, green electricity is affordable, reliable, and occupies minimal land space.

近年来,我们已经看到清洁能源的力量在我们的道路上行驶. With the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), we’re seeing a shift in how we perceive transportation, energy consumption, and environmental sustainability. 支持电动汽车的最具说服力的理由之一是它们有减少有害排放的潜力. Unlike traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, 从而显著减少空气污染,减轻气候变化的不利影响.  But the benefits don’t stop there. Read on to learn how clean energy has even more impacts.

electric vehicle charging

Clean Energy Financial Benefits

投资清洁能源不仅有利于365买球,也能帮你省钱. 清洁能源为家庭平均每年节省500美元铺平了道路, says American Progress. 国际可再生能源机构证实,可再生能源已成为最具成本效益的能源形式, 仅在2022年,全球能源生产成本就将节省550亿美元(约为美国人均170美元).

住宅太阳能电池板通过自己发电,为房主提供了大幅削减能源账单的能力. 在太阳能技术上的初期投资被长期的节省所抵消, enhanced property values, 财政激励措施,如税收抵免和净计量365买球网.

According to, if you invest in renewable energy for your home such as solar, wind, geothermal, fuel cells or battery storage technology, 您可能有资格获得年度住宅清洁能源税收抵免.


Adding solar panels to your home increases the value by 4.1% on average. In a time where the power grid becomes even more strained, 你可以争辩说,安装太阳能电池板的房屋的价值将会增加更多,因为它降低了你在纳税电网上的可靠性. If you pair your solar system with battery storage, 你可以完全实现能源独立,甚至在某些情况下把电卖给电网, making you even more money.

David Kopera Financial Analyst

改用电动汽车也有显著的经济优势, 与传统车辆相比,由于机械部件更少,大大节省了燃料成本和维护费用. Additionally, 业主通常受益于联邦和州的税收优惠和退税, making EVs a cost-effective choice. According the IRS.如果你购买了一辆合格的电动汽车,你可能有资格获得高达7500美元的税收抵免.

企业购买用于商业用途的新电动汽车或二手电动汽车可以根据不同的参数获得税收抵免, 根据车辆及其使用情况,可能会覆盖很大一部分成本.

Together, 电动汽车和太阳能装置不仅促进可持续生活,而且随着时间的推移还会产生宝贵的经济效益.



KGO目前正在协助客户开发清洁能源倡议所需的基础设施. 客户的目标是到2030年,其所有车辆都是电动的. 随着这种变化,需要一个基础设施来支持它. KGO将以设计和365买球网管理方面的专业365买球监督该365买球网. 我们的目标是改进设计和执行策略,不仅要有效地扩展, but is also executed with efficiency. 这一努力为我们的可持续解决方案组合做出了贡献,并成为我们理解生态友好型基础设施发展的基石. 正是这些经历塑造了我们一路走来学到的教训. 


Consider how long users will be at the facility. 用户在我们的设施中花费的时间大大影响了最能满足他们需求的电动汽车充电器的类型, 因为一些充电器需要几个小时才能充满电.

Don’t always go with the cheapest option. It’s tempting to gravitate towards the least expensive option, but evaluating service providers on their repair timelines, material delivery speeds, and warranty specifics is crucial.

Think about your available parking lot space. 将充电器集成到停车基础设施中需要仔细规划, particularly for larger vehicle requirements.

Double-check the design. 壁挂式充电器的正确位置至关重要,因为设计疏忽可能导致车辆无法到达端口. This is especially important when dealing with large trucks.

Plan for future needs. 确保今天安装的基础设施能够支持未来的扩展是至关重要的. For instance, 如果变压器目前是足够的,但可能无法支持未来需要更高电力负荷的365买球网.


Employee Experiences with EVs

KGO’s support to clean energy doesn’t stop with our clients. Several of our team members drive electric vehicles. Our leaders Selva Gunenc and Jen Olson, for instance, have chosen hybrid vehicles, which offer the flexibility of short-range EV use.

Oguz Algan, Director of IT, shares a unique perspective, having switched from a plugin hybrid to a full EV, even converting his sailboat’s motor to electric.

Assistant Project Manager, Luba Arefeva, 她对电动汽车的性价比和环保性非常信任. 较低的维护成本和零燃料费用不仅在经济上精明,而且具有环保意识.

Watch the video for some words of advice from Luba.

At KGO, we don’t just champion renewable energy; we live it. 从我们团队成员的个人选择到我们努力支持的基础设施, sustainability is woven into our corporate fabric. As we continue to share our journey and the lessons learned, 我们将继续致力于支持其他365买球网向清洁能源过渡. 

Ready to electrifying your operations? Get in touch!